Monday, December 26, 2016


I believe that prayer is a gift to us from Heavenly Father. He knows all, sees all and can do all, so why does He ask that we pray? Sometimes it requires us to be humble as we kneel down in prayer and ask sensere forgiveness. The opportunity to humble ourselves is a gift. Sometimes when we need an answer to something, we know that we must study it out in our minds before prayer right? So the studying part is a gift to us, when we study we learn and grow..... Heavenly Father knows this and allows us to have the opportunity to learn for ourselves. A gift.
Prayer makes us feel closer to Him, we can draw on His spirit and feel His power through prayer.
We can feel peace and hope through our prayers of gratitude. When we kneel and count our blessings out loud to God in prayer we are again being given a gift because that very act, counting our blessings, brings power.
Everything that we are being asked to do by God is never really for God- It always ends up blessing us.
Never stop praying, never. Even i f you get on your knees and let Him know that you are not sure what to say but youre there, just stay there until you know what to say. Never not pray.

Prayer is the fastes way I know to build a personal relationship with Heavenly Father. He really does listen, He really does care and He really will help.

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